2nd Annual Meeting (Nov. 2016)
The 2nd Annual Meeting of W2W took place from November 8th to 11th 2016 in Speyer (Germany).
The Early Career Scientists presented their research and results. During the breakout group discussions, the W2W participants reported on ongoing and planned collaborations with other projects, research areas, and partner institutions in W2W, as well as on collaborations outside of W2W. The invited speakers and guests provided valuable insights and feedback, making the many discussions lively and inspiring.
The invited speakers and guests were:
- Lance Bosart (University of Albany, USA)
- Dale Durran (University of Washington, USA)
- Wojciech Grabowski (UCAR, USA)
- Federico Grazzini (Arpae Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, Italy)
- Ron Mc Taggart-Cowan (Canadian Meteorological Center, Canada)
- Detlev Majewski (DWD, Germany)
- Roland Potthast (University of Reading, UK, and DWD, Germany)
- Aiko Voigt (KIT, Karlsruhe)
- Tino Weinkauf (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)
- Heini Wernli (ETH Zurich, Switzerland).
Program of the meeting and additional information
Childcare has been provided for children of PIs and was organized by the W2W Equal Opportunity program.