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Gabriel Wolf

Gabriel Wolf is a Research Scientist in the Odysea project at the University of Reading (NERC funded) in David Brayshaw's working group. He focuses on the ocean influence on the large-scale upper tropospheric flow. Using a climatology of quasi-stationary waves, he investigates their connection to extreme weather events and ocean anomalies. Gabriel Wolf did his PhD at the Johannes Gutenberg University (Mainz) in Volkmar Wirth's group and within the Pandowae project. During his PhD he investigated the dynamics of upper level Rossby wavetrains and their representation in numerical weather forecast models. Using a wave activity flux diagnostic, he gained further insight into the behaviour of Rossby wavetrains.

Homepage of Gabriel Wolf

Gabriel Wolf visited JGU on February 1st and 2nd, 2016. He chaired a workshop on "Diagnostics for Rossby Wave Packets".

Program of the workshop

During the workshop, the following topics were addressed, each with a short scientific presentation given by Gabriel Wolf, followed by discussions of the algorithms and the implementation:

  • RWP representation following Zimin et al. (2003, 2006)
  • Thresholds for object identification
  • Forecast errors
  • Semigeostrophic transformation
  • Tracking of RWPs
  • Climatologies
  • Wave activity flux

Additionally, Joachim Eichhorn presented the projected collaboration towards a W2W code repository, which will be set up and maintained by Robert Redl (LMU). Further short presentations were given by Paolo Ghinassi, Georgios Fragkoulidis and Gabriel Wolf, introducing their scientific future plans and ongoing activities.


Participants at the Institute for Atmospheric Physics in Mainz. From left to right: Joachim Eichhorn (JGU), Pila Bossmann (KIT), Tobias Selz (LMU), Andreas Schlüter (KIT), Paolo Ghinassi (JGU), Volkmar Wirth (JGU), Marlene Baumgart (JGU), Georgios Fragkoulidis (JGU), Gabriel Wolf, Michael Maier-Gerber (KIT), Michael Riemer (JGU), Enrico di Muzio (KIT). Photo: courtesy of Joachim Eichhorn.

Gabriel Wolf visited KIT on February 3rd, 2016. He showed how to apply his Rossby Wave Package identification and tracking software to reanalysis data and discussed its applicability and the underlying theory in further detail. He then gave a seminar on Wave Activity Flux (WAF) theory and its applications to Rossby wave train analysis and weather event diagnostics.

Gabriel plans to provide codes and documentations of the Rossby wave package and WAF tools to W2W researchers early spring 2016. The application of these Rossby wave diagnostics in W2W will considerably advance research of PhDs and Postdocs in research areas A and C, especially in the A1, C2, C3, C4 and C5 projects.

The local organizers wish to thank Gabriel Wolf for taking the time to travel to Mainz and to Karlsruhe, for giving more than seven talks in three days and for patiently discussing all questions, thus deepening the participants' understanding of the methods he had developed during his PhD work.
